Scouting America

Pacific Harbors Council

Scouting America

Pacific Harbors Council

Sea Scouts

Youth 14-20 years of age

For over 100 years Sea Scouting has promoted better citizenship, improved members’ boating skills through instruction and practice in water safety, boating skills, outdoor, social, service experiences, and knowledge of our maritime heritage.

What do Sea Scouts do?

Sea Scouts is youth led and adult mentored. You and your shipmates lead your Sea Scout program. Elected youth leaders plan and conduct the program, as adult leaders guide and support efforts to learn important leadership and life skills. As experience is gained, the opportunity will arise to contribute as leaders of the ship.

Sea Scouts are recognized and rewarded for the things you learn and do, earning valuable certifications in SCUBA, boating safety, lifesaving, and CPR, as well as advance in rank from Apprentice to Quartermaster. Each certification and level of advancement marks your growth as a sailor and a leader.