Scouting America

Pacific Harbors Council

Scouting America

Pacific Harbors Council

Popcorn Sale

For over 35 years the Boy Scouts of America has worked with Trail’s End to empower our Scouts and their leaders to raise the funds they need to go to camp, provide year-round programming, and to enable any Scout to earn their own way through the Scouting program! Fundraising through Popcorn sales is a tested and reliable method to fundraising, and unit leaders have the support, guidance, and training of Council volunteers and staff to guide every unit to success!

If your Scouts or committee are interested in participating with popcorn, please do not hesitate to contact your District Executive or Tracy Kapelski

Popcorn Sale

The Popcorn Sale is Important!

There are plenty of good reasons for your Scouts to take part in the annual popcorn sale. Scouts can earn money for camp and activities throughout the year and they learn valuable skills like teamwork, goal setting, time management and salesmanship – just to name a few. Scouts gain confidence and a sense of accomplishment, the popcorn sale is not about selling popcorn, it’s about promoting Scouting! Best of all, there is NO upfront cost to your Unit to participate! Units who take part in the Take Order and Online Direct popcorn sales will have a zero-risk fundraiser.

Selling popcorn also helps Pacific Harbors Council raise money for improving summer camp, offering more extensive training for our volunteer leaders, and keeps program and activity costs down. The popcorn sale benefits the Scouting community in our Council as a whole, as well as individual units and Scouts, bringing in nearly $300,000 to packs and troops in Pacific Harbors Council annually!

Top Reasons to Sell Popcorn

  • A scout can earn their own way to camp with a proven fundraiser that works, all while keeping money in their parents’ pockets!

  • Take Order and Online Direct sales are a no-risk fundraising opportunity available for all Scouts.

  • Scouts can earn incentives including Amazon gift cards!

  • Not only will scouts learn how to make a sales pitch and the value of hard work, but they can use aspects of the fundraiser to advance and earn rank and portions of several merit badges!

  • A portion of this fundraiser supports Pacific Harbors Council, which is used to improve properties and programs, supplement camp fees to keep them low, and provide camperships and Growing Leaders Fund registration assistance for Scouts in need!

Getting Ready for 2024

  • The 2024 Popcorn Fundraiser has more support than ever to aide your Scouts in fundraising. Be sure to follow these steps to get prepared for your sale this fall!

    • Register your unit with Trails End – There is no commitment required, but we’d love to keep your unit in the loop until the sale begins!

Summer 2023 Sale Timeline

  • Unit Kernel Popcorn Trainings:

  • July 11th (Tuesday) – Camp Thunderbird 7PM

  • July 12th (Wednesday) – Tacoma Scout Office 7PM

  • July 24th (Monday): Unit Show & Sell unit orders due to Council- Submit through Leader portal

  • August 11th (Friday): Show & Sell Popcorn Pickup, by appointment

  • Popcorn Return Deadline

    • October 19th– Olympic District Office at Camp Thunderbird, by appointment

    • October 20th –Tacoma Scout Office, by appointment

  • October 23rd (Monday): Unit Take Orders are Due through the leader portal

  • October 27th (Friday): Unit Payments are due, and Scout Prizes can be submitted!

  • November 9th (Thursday): Take Order Popcorn Pickup.

2023 Product Lineup

2023 Product Line

2023 Popcorn Sales Incentives

Prizes – Instead of Scouts choosing from a number of prizes, all Scouts will receive an electronic Amazon gift card emailed directly to them a week after their unit’s fundraiser is complete. This will allow Scouts to choose from many more options for prizes, gifts, and toys, and have it shipped to their house, all without having to wait on prizes to be ordered, shipped, and distributed! Click here to download the prize flyer. In 2023, prizes are based on points instead of dollars, allowing for Scouts to earn additional rewards!

      • Scouts will earn 1 point for each $1.00 in cash sales.

      • Scouts will earn 1.25 points for each $1.00 in credit or debit card sales (wagon & storefront)

To Earn a spot Top Sellers Club each Scout must sell at least $2500

Trails End 2024 Leader Guide

Click here to download the Leaders Guide

Click here to download the Scout and Parents Guide
  • Easy to use Point of Sale app to track and report real time sales for storefront, wagon and online sales.
  • Compatible with all Square readers.
  • Storefront and shift management for units and Scouts
  • NEW ‘text order/cart’ feature for socially distant payments
  • FREE credit card processing.
  • Please contact with technical support questions



Council Staff Advisor – Darrin Nicholson
Council Admin Staff – Tracy Kapelski – 360-587-1648
Rainier District Executive – Rachael Weaver
Olympic District Executive – Tyler Fine

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This newsletter is released twice monthly. It contains everything you need to know about Scouting in the Pacific Harbors Council