Scouting America

Pacific Harbors Council

Scouting America

Pacific Harbors Council

2 Weekends…May 17-19 and May 25-26, 2024 AT CAMP THUNDERBIRD

What is Wood Badge?

Wood badge is scouting’s premier training course. It’s the ultimate leadership training experience designed to meet the leadership needs of all Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing Scout and Sea Scout leaders as well as council and district leaders and scouting professionals. The object of the wood badge course is to demonstrate, as practically as possible, the aims and methods of scouting.

Upon successful completion of the course the participant receives a certificate and the wood badge, which is 2 wooden beads worn on a leather thong around the neck. These beads replicate the beads found by Baden-Powell during a campaign in Africa in 1888. They belonged to Dinizulu, an African Chieftain. In searching for a suitable recognition for those who completed the first training course in 1919, Baden-Powell remembered the beads and decided to present a bead to each participant. Since that time the course has been called Wood Badge.

When should I take Wood Badge?

NOW! The training has been tailored to those who are relatively new to scouting as well as those with more experience. So, take it as soon as you’re eligible. Your next chance won’t be until next year.

Are the skills taught specific to Scouting?

Although taught in a Scouting framework, the skills taught in Wood Badge can be applied universally. Participants have found their Wood Badge skills help them at work and in other non-Scouting volunteer activities.

Am I qualified?

Wood Badge is open to all registered adults, 18 years of age or older, who have current Youth Protection Training and have successfully completed the basic training requirements for their primary position. You must be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment and have a BSA Part A, B, & C medical form valid through the beginning of the course.

What are the dates of course?

The 2024 course will run over two consecutive weekends, May 17-19, 2024 (Friday through Sunday) and May 25-26, 2024 (Saturday and Sunday). Arrival time is 7AM on both weekends and departure time is approximately 5PM on both Sundays. Attendance is required for both weekends.

How much does it cost?

Course fees are $350.00 and must be paid in full by April 15, 2024. The first 48 with fully paid registration fees will be selected to attend the course. Anyone with a “deposit only” at that time will be added to a waiting list.


Course Director: Hollie Reese

Contact: Email